The correct answer is C because, A platform is an official statement of party policy. A plank are the specific issues that make up a platform, while a referendum when voters go to the polls to decide a specific issue, like the donut tax, for example.
The poem "Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" was written by Robert Frost in 1922 and published in 1923.
Thomas H., colonial Puritan leader born in 1586 and died in 1647, founded Connecticut after feuding with prominent Puritan leaders in Massachusetts. He was known for advocating for the Universal Christian right to vote.
Answer:Option B. Reproductive capacity
The Buss (1989) theory concluded that males value youthfulness which would be a cue to reproductive capacity and fertility, while females value cues related to resource acquisition in potential mates more highly than males. Charles Darwin said through natural selection, that mate selection is a matter of evolution. Those who got to survive and reproduce passed their genes onto the next generation. Therefore, men have to look for fertile women and women have to look for men who will look after them and their offspring.
The experiment as more enjoyable than participants in the other two groups
- Chemical factors;
The chemical factors like the salinity and the composition are very important for the formation of the soil, as well as for determining the type of soil.
- Physical factors;
The most important of the physical factors are the erosion and deposition. While the erosion removes layers of soil from a certain places, the deposition brings that material on another place and makes layers which set of a new start for soil formation on another place.
- Climatic factors;
The climate is extremely important because it sets the basic for the soil formation. Different types of climate result in different types of soil, and the fact that the climate is the factor that enables certain plants to grow in certain conditions, makes it possible for the soil to become richer or poorer depending on the biomass available.