1. DDAA, DdAa
2. DDaa, Dada
3. ddAA, ddAa
4. ddaa
5. The phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1 where 9 combinations will produce offspring with both dominant phenotypes (dimples and brown hair), 3 will produce offspring with one dominant phenotype and one receive phenotype (dimples, blonde hair), 3 will produce offspring with one receive phenotype and one dominant phenotype (no dimples, brown hair), and one will produce offspring with both recessive phenotypes (no dimples, blonde hair)
identifying several solutions to a problem
questioning source information
implementing the first solution to a problem identified
verifying source information</span>
One negative side effect of with anaerobic synthesis of energy is that a by product of glycolysis is lactic acid
lactic acid cause muscle fatigue and post exercise muscle soreness. when you exercise the body uses oxygen to break down glucose for energy. when one do intensive exercise, oxygen may not be enough therefore lactic acid is produced.
Defining decision:
decision is the action of a process of making choices especially important ones.
Providing 2 Strategies:
1.Create a constructive environment
2.Investigate the situation in detail
In sexual reproduction, the genetic material of two individuals is combined to produce genetically diverse offspring that differ from their parents. Fertilization and meiosis alternate in sexual life cycles. What happens between these two events depends upon the organism. The process of meiosis, the division of the contents of the nucleus that divides the chromosomes among gametes, reduces the chromosome number by half, while fertilization, the joining of two haploid gametes, restores the diploid condition. There are three main categories of life cycles in eukaryotic organisms: diploid-dominant, haploid-dominant, and alternation of generations