Edgar Alla Poe's requirements for texts to fit the short story genre were:
Length: The size of the story has to be short enough to be read in a single sit.
Ending: The conclusion of the story has to finish strongly without a step to continuation. Therefore the biggest argumentative node is the best to end. Immersed in the climax.
Mood: The narrator has to preserve the same rhythm and voice.
Edgar Allan Poe was the first big commercial writer. He is considered one of the brightest minds in the modern era of literature, and considering his ideas short stories had to be short enough to be read in only one attempt. Therefore, they had to be powerful, emotional, and attractive enough for the reader to not drop them. Making them intense and fast. The end had to arrive when the most important node in the story was being developed. Because if the end didn't arrive then. The story would lose its intensity and leave the reader expecting continuation. finally, the narrator had to preserve the same mood, voice, style, or all the story. Because that way the story wouldn't leave the reader wanting another spin.