The EUro has pros. Such as transparency, reducing cost of exchange, reducing cost of printing, the same and anticipated monetary policy in every member country etc.
In his sermon "Sinners In the Hands of An Angry God", Rev. Jonathan Edwards used the word "gaping" to project an image of hell that is opened so wide that it will swallow anyone who sins and move away from the true God.
In his sermon "Sinners In The Hands of An Angry God", Jonathan Edwards gave a detailed description of what life is for those who stay away from the almighty God. He chooses to address this speech/ sermon to try to get the colonies back on tract to God and shy away from material things.
In this specific passage of the sermon, Edwards is describing in graphic details the fate of those who sin. He presents an image of hell "<em>gaping for them, flames gather(ing) and flash(ing) about them</em>" while "<em>the devil is waiting for them</em>". This parallel language structure projects an image of hell as enormous, daunting and dangerous, which it rightly is. But with the choice of words that he employs, he was able to instill a sense of fear in his listeners. This word is so effective as it <em>presents an image of hell as something that is open wide, welcoming them for an eternal life of suffering</em>. He verbally perfects showing an image that will frighten them and make then turn away from their sins.
Emmett Till was a teenage boy who was visiting his grandparents in Mississippi when he was killed. Supposedly Emmett whistled at a white female store owner after making a purchase. When the women's husband, Roy Bryant, found out about this situation he recruited JW Milam (his brother in law) to find the boy and punish him.
Ultimately, Bryant and Milam find Emmett Till at his grandparent's house. From there they kidnap him, beat him to death, and then throw him in a river where his body is found a few days later. These two men were accused of homicide but found guilty by an all white jury.
This scenario of brutal violence against a young man who did nothing to hurt anyone is one of the reasons why this was a catalyst for the Civil Rights movement. Millions of Americans all over the country were in shock to hear about the violence and rallied around this scenario as a means to advocate for civil rights.
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Option C
In 1938 German propaganda poster issued by the Office for Race Politics. German writing covers the left side of the poster, while one man stands behind another man who is seated. The man behind stands tall, is smiling, and wears a white jacket. The man sitting is in a slightly disfigured posture with his hand clenched, and a scowl on his face. He is dressed in a black jacket.60,000 RM. This is what this person suffering from hereditary defects costs the Community of Germans during his lifetime. Fellow Citizen, that is your money, too
It costs too much money to provide for those with special needs is the idea supported by this propaganda poster.