Oxygen is extremely electronegative, making it very powerful in pulling electrons down the electron transport chain. Occurs in the cytosol. Glycolysis begins cellular respiration by breaking glucose into two molecules of a three-carbon compound called pyruvate. 2 ATP produced.
A. older fossils are found in deeper layers of undisturbed rock strata.
Type B are cardiac muscles, because they are not found in any other part of the body.
Different Measures of Disease
Question Measure of Disease
a. I = incidence rate
b. P = prevalence
c. L = lifetime prevalence
d. L = lifetime prevalence
e. M = crude mortality rate
a) Measures of disease:
I = incidence rate (p. 126): measures the frequency of disease occurrence in a population over time. It is measured as new episodes of illness in a period divided by the population.
P = prevalence (p. 113): ratio or proportion of persons in a population with a disease at a time or over time. It is based on a sample.
L = lifetime prevalence (p. 114): the proportion or ratio of a population who had a disease at some point in their life.
M = crude mortality rate (crude death rate) (p. 112): the ratio of deaths in a period among a geographical population.
R = sex ratio (counts) (p. 109): ratio of male and female population.
Perforin is a protein that is released by Cytotoxic t cells to kill target cells. Perforin protein creates transmembranes tubules that would disintegrate target cells.This is also one of the main cytolytic protein that would induce meditated bursting of T cell and natural killer cell.