Because there was a reawakening of interest in art, literature and science between 1300 and 1600, it is fitting to call his period the renaissance, since it means rebirth.
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The plot is the actual story around which the entire book is based. A plot should have a very clear beginning, middle, and end—with all the necessary descriptions and suspense, called exposition—so that the reader can make sense of the action and follow along from start to finish. Every story has a conflict to solve.
My Best Answer would be Judy learned that good friends can be found in any city she moves to.
Because Its a Good Hook / Story line to make a Plot out of and a Story
Hope this Helped
The narrator, is the protagonist and she starts explaining that she is a teenager. She knows what the latest styles are, she reads the current editorials, she listens to the radio... She wants us to know that she is not a silly girl. In fact, she is a rational thinker. But in fact, when the boy takes her hand and invite her to the sakiting rink, she abandons all her rationality and she believes when he says that he will call her. When days pass by and he doesn't, she says " I'm not so really dumb".
All that, indicates the conflict: she is a sixteen year old, naive and soft in character behind that tough exterior.
is this storywhat is the story ummmm