The statement that represent a characteristic of democracy is "citizen are the sources of power in government".
E - Henry XIV as known as the Sun King
D - Henry IV became the first king of the Bourbon dysnasty.
A - Versailles is the magnificent palace built for Louis XIV
D - Henry IV was a protestand prince who became a catholic king.
C - Michel de Montaigne was a writer who became a skeptic and developed the essay form.
B - Intendants were government agents who collected taxes and administered justice.
E - War of the Spanish Sucession was the conflict that was waged to prevent the union of the french and spanish thrones.
C - Huguenots fought against catholics in eight wars in France between 1562 and 1598.
E - Louis XIV was the king who increased the power of the intendants at the expense of the nobility.
B - Edict of Nantes was the declaration of religious tolerance issued by Henry IV and canceled by Louis XIV.
C - Cardinal Mazarin was the minister to Louis XIV whose policies drove nobles to rebel against the boy king.
B - Jean Baptiste Colbert was the minister of finance under Louis XIV whose policies of mercantilism caused france’s economy to grow and prosper.
E - Cardinal Richelieu was the minister to Louis XII who took steps to strengthen the power of the monarchy at the expense of the Huguenots and the nobility.
The right to petition is one of the fundamental freedoms of all Americans, and is documented in the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. ... A more simple definition of the right to petition, is “the right to present requests to the government without punishment or reprisal.
The House Speaker of the United States .
<em>Current House Speaker of 2020: Nancy Pelosi (D-NY)</em>