1. aprende
2. corres
3. el/correr (corre)
3. nosotros/correr (corremos)
4. aprendemos
5. bebes
6. aprendo
7. bebemos
8. bebe
9. aprendes
10. vosotros/aprender (aprendeis)
10. ellas/aprender (aprenden
11. bebeis
12. corro
13. corren
14. ustedes/beber (beben)
14. yo/beber (bebo)
I have less money than he does
Tengo menos dinero que él.
A- --> he has more money than I do
B- I have less money than he does
C- I have more money then he does.
D- He has more money than I do.
The right asnwer is Noreste (Northeast).
The question means: En una brújula, qué dirección es opuesta a sudoeste (southwest)
The cardinal points indicated by your question mean:
Noreste; Northeast.
Oeste; West.
Sudeste; Southeast.
Noroeste; Northwest.
And those that are missing are:
Norte: North.
Sur: South.
Este: East.
I hope this information can help you
What would your dialogues be?
Answer: not a spanish question