is there a picture of the article or story? if so ill glady try to help
It is a clause! Good luck
Why Mothers should stay home and Why mothers shouldn't stay home.
Many mothers out there have many things to. But the biggest job that some mothers have, are to take care our their baby. Some mothers think very different. Some mothers think that once their child is in their teenage years, they should be find. And many mothers disagree with that.
Some mothers stay at home just to rest, or just to be lazy. Mothers should stay at home to take care of the house by cooking and cleaning and prepping etc. Other Mothers should stay home so that they can take care of their children. Also it is very dangerous for woman to leave the house alone, no matter if it is day time or night time.
According to Men "Women are a very easy target." Meaning that we are easy to talk to, look at, and other things. Some men believe that women are soft. Not all woman are soft, and not all women are hard. And the same thing goes for the boys. There really isn't a such thing as being soft or tuff, there's something called Protection. Not all woman know how to protect themselves, but that's something that we will need to start working on.
Singapore is its own country
Singapore’s capital is Singapore ( a city-state), China’s capital is Beijing.
China consists of ethnic Chinese, Singapore has 4 main racial group with the majority being ethnic Chinese.
China is perceived to be communist in nature, Singapore is a partially democrat.
China is huge. You cant miss her on the atlas. Singapore is tiny. If you do not put in effort,you won’t be able to find it.
China has thousand of years of history, and Singapore has 52 years of history.
Answer: I'm pretty sure it is b.