trading, weaving, making basket, making useful tool
Because of this alliance, Germany and Italy were called the Axis Powers. EX: During this time, Great Britain and France did little to stop him, choosing instead to follow a policy of appeasement. EX: By signing the Munich Pact in September 1938, he acquired the Sudetenland, a German-speaking region of Czechoslovakia.
The Correct Answer is
To hold a national convention
The national party committee should encourage the political program and policies of its party and should be responsible and accountable for the coordination of revenue-raising and the complete electoral strategy. The members of the committee can not be high officials of the public administration or members of Congress or the Government.
The significance outcome of the Russian civil war is that The red army won this war
The branches must both cooperate and compete to enact policy. ... The central government under the Articles lacked a strong executive and a method for resolving ... three branches—legislative, executive, and judicial—so that each branch had to cooperate ... Accordingly, each branch of government has unique powers.