Nehru was "filled with shame and sorrow … at the degradation and overwhelming poverty of India." This experience aroused a sympathy for the underdog which characterized many of Nehru's later political moves.
The Classical Era set the scene. It brought us the major civilizations, religions, and trade routes. But, what happens when all of the major world powers collapse? This is the Post-Classical era. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. There are some powers that are similar to the ones before and the ones after (Byzantine, China). But, the major players in the Post-Classical era come from totally backwards places. One sprouts out of a cave in the Arabian desert. The other comes from the base of a mountain on the steppes in Central Asia. I call this era, Muslims & Mongols. That's not everything, but it just about sums up the basics. (Of course, Trade, Migrations, Religion, and Labor are important...) The Post Classical Era is the FIRST era that represents 20% of the test. From here on out, these eras are worth more than the first two.
1. The purpose was to control the labor and the behavior of former slaves and other African Americans.
2. Declared the Civil Rights Act
3. By Federal forces from the railroad schemes that took place in the south.
4. The Emancipation Proclamation freed African American in rebel states and the African Americans did not know how to be free while the White people did not know how to act around free colored people. Being free African Americans jumped at the chance of getting a free education and jobs as they now had to be treat equally to the whites.
5. They Abolished Slavery and came together as a Union, Established that the Federal Government had Superiority over the states and subjugated the south making them a lesser class.
6. For the White Northerners it was never about slavery vs. abolition its was about preservation of the union.
La revolución científica influyó en el desarrollo de los valores ilustrados del individualismo porque demostró el poder de la mente humana. ... El poder de los seres humanos para discernir la verdad a través del razonamiento influyó en el desarrollo del valor ilustrado del racionalismo.