By using ordinary language to describe the events surrounding the nose's disappearance arrived at this answer after reading a portion o f the story involving the disappearance of the nose. "But, to his unbounded astonishment, there was only a flat patch on his face where the nose should have been! Greatly alarmed, he got some water, washed, and rubbed his eyes hard with the towel. Yes, the nose indeed was gone! He prodded the spot with a hand—pinched himself to make sure that he was not still asleep. But no; he was not still sleeping. Then he leapt from the bed, and shook himself. No nose! Finally, he got his clothes on, and hurried to the office of the Police Commissioner. "In the above quote, ordinary language was used. It would seem as though losing a nose is no big deal for the character. Instead, he is more concerned of going to the office. His reaction is quite unbelievable.
A the amount of time because it won’t help you with the location but if u were looking for the miles by car it would help a lot. So A.
A because they tell by their texture.
Recommended crime prevention measures to be considered by authorities in the Philippines include eliminating adverse social conditions; reducing opportunities for crimes to be committed; and improving the ability of the criminal justice system to detect, apprehend, judge, and rehabilitate criminals.