Mount kilimanjaro in Tanzania
Elevation is 5892m
Remote sensing is used for monitoring.
Remote sensing refers to a process of detecting and monitoring the physical geographical characteristics of a region through satellite or aircraft. Pixel refers to the smallest part of the image that can be seen on computer by zooming or in other words image is made of thousands of parts known as pixel. Only physical structure of animals can be seen. There are number of scientists which work together to interpret information present in a satellite image and these scientist has done specialization in different fields such as meteorology, computer programming, advanced mathematics and advanced physics.
A prolonged drought with very high temperatures can affect the water levels of the water table underground.
The water that is located underground is generally safer when it comes to climate or weather conditions, at least in the shorter run. They are not immune though, as even though they are underground, they are not very deep, and also their levels depend on the outside conditions. Several climate or weather conditions can have an effect on the water table of the underground water, but the one that sticks out the most is a prolonged drought with high temperatures.
A prolonged period of drought will mean that there will be no precipitation for a long period of time. Without precipitation, there will be no new water coming in the undergroung water table. On the other hand, high temperatures will result in intense heating up of the ground, and some of the heat will be reaching the water table underground, so the evaporation will increase. With no water coming in and increased evaporation, the levels of water will drop.
entre la ubicación y la geografía tradicionalmente no ha existido una relación fuerte aunque esta