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Schröder, Martin. “How Moral Arguments Influence Economic Decisions and Organizational Legitimacy—the Case of Offshoring Production.” Organization, vol. 20, no. 4, Aug. 2012, pp. 551–76, doi:10.1177/1350508412448223.
<em>It is always useful to read sentence twice. It removes the confusion and doubt of your first read. Reading multiple times clearly clarifies the sentence. </em>
No there are no any words that I do not know in the sentence. The sentence describes about the difference between the English language and French language.
It focuses in the difference of the syntax of two languages. Even the grammar differs in between two languages. The correct grammar in on language may not be correct in another one.
It affected the plot because
(hospitality rules) Bellerophon had been a guest for 9 days before the king read the letter that ordered him to kill Bellerophon.