Erosion, compaction, nutrient imbalance, pollution, acidification, water logging, loss of soil biodiversity and increasing salinity have been affecting soil across the globe, reducing its ability to support plant life and so grow crops.
Yukon. Brainly wants me to write at least 20 characters so here’s an extra sentence.
Minneapolis city holds the largest population of Norwegians outside of Norway. Many of the immigrants from Norway began to come to America at the beginning of 1836. The majority of Norwegian were agrarian who began to settle in the upper Midwest. According to the report, in 1990, more than 50 % of the Norwegian American population lived in the Midwest with Minnesota state having the largest population and Minneapolis serving as a centre for their religious activities.
1. the money you spend shopping goes into the economy. it goes to the people who work at the store and the person who owns it. 2. material wealth I would like to keep food and shelter.