The definition of claim means to state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.. When you make a claim you’re demanding it or saying it’s true.
Hope that hint helped.
Use of the second person (the pronoun “you”), over the first
and third person, is a technique that an author will use in order to better
interact with readers and engage them.
When one reads the pronoun “you,” one will generally feel as if the
author or writer of a text is speaking directly to him or her. This will, most evidently, draw readers into
what they are reading because the message will seem more personal with the use
of second person than with first or third.
With that in mind, of the possible responses for this question, “A. It
pulls the reader into the text,” seems to be the most appropriate.
Vague Pronoun-She
Pronouns are a part of speech that replaces a noun. Pronoun examples are she, her, he, him, etc. The only pronoun in this sentence is "She" so it would be the Vague Pronoun.
1. We fed the kittens that we found in the shed.
3. This is the house that I grew up in.
Restrictive clauses are those that need the meaning of the antecedent (noun or pronoun that precede them) to contribute to the meaning of the phrase. These clauses can not be separated by commas, this makes it easier to identify them.