Because he left office peacefully and willingly.
By being the first president to leave office this way, he set a precedent and marked the first peaceful transfer of power between upcoming and current presidents. Since then, the loser of presidential elections has willingly and peacefully surrender power to the winner.
1. The grape boycott is also known by the name Delano boycott. This strike was opened by the Filipino and Mexican farmers, as they wanted to collaborate and organize a movement in the agriculture of America.
2. Chavez was a very important member of this boycott. His syndicate joined farmers to fight the grape growers in California. Chavez was a good leader of the protest. He had his peacefull methods of solving problems and made people realize what the boycott can bring.
The purpose of this boycott was to improve the rights of farmers, that after organizing the strike signed the contracts with better working conditions and protection.
Chavez spent his life trying to improve the life of farmers, giving them better salaries and conditions to work. He knew the problems that farmers confronted in their work.