You can use multiple pieces of evidences to support these themes. By explaining how Tina was in shock by the sight of these reptiles, then inform on how they're actually just like harmless flies.
The third one, starts with "stalked off in search for worthier prey"
This is a story about girls who aren't just petty for the sake of being petty. They are girls who let their fear and self-loathing compromise who they want to be. Both Isabelle and Tavi are loud and proud of who they really are.
Hope that had helped
D. Tomas had spend a long time getting hid child to sleep.
Just like raising a child's self-esteem, raising a happy child entails focusing less on compliments and more on providing opportunities for growth. Making sure to be careful not to do too much for your child and allowing them to learn and make mistakes on their own is a great way to foster that higher self-esteem.