Answer: So far you are correct but the two words are both cognates and the orthographic accent is not in the English language.
Explanation: Orthographic accents are á, é, í, ó, ú and the English language doesn't use those. Cognates are words that sound the same or are almost the same maybe even sound similar in both languages and have the same meaning .
A -el paramédico (paramedic)
B - técnico de radiografía (x ray tech)
C - el hospital
D - el enfermo (ill person) or el paciente (patient)
E - la cirugía (surgery)
F - enfermo (ill)
G - dolor (pain)
H - la enfermera (nurse)
I - el rayo x (x ray)
J - el enyesado (cast)
If the starting tense is future and in the ellos form and its a regular verb the answer would be comprarían.
Los Valdivieso y los Bolanos son dos ejemplos de familias de Ecuador. Los Valdivieso son una familia numerosa. Viven en una casa grande. En el patio, hacen muchas reuniones familiares. Los Bolanos son una familia pequena. Ellos comen juntos y preparan canelazo, una bebida tipica ecuatoriana.
I hope this helped - Maria S.