Allies were made during World War I. America, Britain, France and Russia banded together against the Axis which was led by Germany and included Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. The war was said to have started with the killing of Franz Ferdinand and wife. Austria-Hungary set to revenge the death of their Archduke with Germany by their side. France, Britain, and others were on defense. Germany said that they did not start the war but they ended up invading Belgium and France and kept war going.
The main way in which support for the Suffolk Resolves by the Continental Congress pushed the colonies closer to war is because this inspired people to take up arms and form groups, which eventually turned into militias.
The Aztecs would often bury their dead under their houses. The Aztecs were known to sell their children, or themselves, as slaves to pay off their debts. Aztec slaves could buy their freedom, so it was more like indentured servitude as opposed to the slavery that was rampant in the United States.
Russia’s heavy losses in WWI quickened existing calls for a political revolution against the tsar, as corruption and economic stagnation left millions of Russians in misery. By contrast, America’s economy was booming during the same period, largely due to a system of free enterprise. Political “radicalism” and especially Russian “Bolshevism,” then, were seen as unnecessary and dangerous.