A longer melt season in Antarctica leads to a greater loss of land-based glacier ice. The water from the melted land glaciers runs into the oceans and leads to an overall increase in volume. This change has global effects.
Whats ur question? i dont get it
Answer and Explanation :
We learn lots of things in the class which relevant to our day to day life. There we learn about reuse, recycle,that you can use in daily life. Try to reuse the glass bottles, plastic bags and try to recycle the paper (by buying the old newspapers to factories so that they can recycle it there). We can learn to take resolution of growing a plant every year and you can learn to live with cooperation These are way to incorporate lessons from the global environment.
There are many ways in which we can learn but the important thing is that we should have interest to learn From society class, we can learn to stop discriminating people on the basis of caste and class or race. We can learn about the society and how should be tackle the problems related to education, health etc.
Answer: Soil ph is a measure of acidity or basicity of a soil, measured in a slurry of soil mixed with water.
In most states, state offices include: Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney General, State Supreme Court Justices, Comptroller, Treasurer, State Senators, and State Legislators. These officials are elected by the voters of the districts they serve.