Trade, Westerlies, Polar is the right order of the prevailing winds from the Equator toward the North Pole.
A is not correct because the polar winds are not the closest to the Equator.
B is not correct because all of the three prevailing wind patterns are not in their place.
C is correct because the Trade winds dominate the Equatorial region, the Westerlies dominate the mid-latitudes, and the Polar ones dominate the North Pole and its surroundings.
D is not correct because the Polar winds and Westerlies have their places switched.
Cold, High Pressure Air + Hot, Low Pressure Air = Storms
A is not correct because hot temperatures occur when the air is hot and the air pressure low.
B is not correct because cold temperatures occur when the air is cold and the air pressure is high.
C is correct because when these two collide we have the occurrence of very strong winds, condensation of a huge amount of water, or in other words storms.
D is not correct despite the occurrence of wind, as there are other things that happen as well.
The tropical rainforest biome has four main characteristics: very high annual rainfall, high average temperatures, nutrient-poor soil, and high levels of biodiversity (species richness). Rainfall: The word “rainforest” implies that these are the some of the world's wettest ecosystems.
Wikipedia defines formal sector as activities which are taxed and monitored by the government and the activities involved are included in the Gross Domestic Product(GDP).
In contrast to formal economy is the informal sector which is neither taxed nor included in the GDP and Gross national product (GNP) of a country.
Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
Hand in hand, we stood in the line for our amusement park tickets. The line seemed to go on forever. I waited impatiently, bouncing on the balls of my feet. At long last, mother handed me my pass. Then she took my hand in hers, and off we went toward the house of mirrors.