First of all, Compassion. What we are seein right now is indifference. Modern societies are self-centered. They have lost the inner-human capacity of understanding other people. People are spending more time with his technological devices than with family or loved ones. Yes, for everything technology help us, something is lost.
It seems that people is not surprising anymore. They barely watch the news. When they do so, it seems like everything is normal. The War in the Middle East...indifference. Immigrants dying in the border of Germany...indifference. People get killed by a disastrous hurricane...indifference.
Respect is another one. Most of the times humanity forgets that we are not the only ones in this planet. There are millions of people with different ideas and ideologies. They have their right to be correct, as we do. If we do not respect each other, then conflict arises. Just look to what happens in government issues or political parties.
And finally, tolerance. Although my ideas are on the opposite side of another person in the office or in the family, humans should show tolerance to understand the other people circumstances and reach a solution. Media news is full of conflicts that could have been resolved if someone has shown some tolerance.