That person is wrong! She did not answer it so that people can get 100%. I turned this in on my unit test for my homeschool and I got 100% This is not copied! please trust me! Take a look:
One of the best ways to organize a great deal of information is by using an outline. Outlines do not need to be the same length. Your outline should follow the same structure, but the number of main topics, subtopics, and specific details may be different for you. Sometimes, people try to write the outline without any planning, but you must have progressed far enough in your planning first that you know at least three things which is the purpose of your paper, the thesis of your paper, and your audience. Then, you can brainstorm and list all the ideas you want to include in your writing, organize your work by grouping ideas together that are related to each other, order your work by dividing the material into groups ranging from the general to the specific, and label the work by creating main and subtopic headings and writing coordinate levels in parallel form. An outline has a balanced structure which uses the principles of parallelism, coordination, subordination, and division.
The most important principle for an outline's form is consistency. An outline can use topic or sentence structure, but be consistent in form all the way through. A topic outline uses words or phrases for all points; uses no punctuation after entries. This presents a brief overview of your work; is generally easier and faster to write than a sentence outline. A sentence outline uses complete sentences for all entries; uses correct punctuation. This presents a more detailed overview of work including possible topic sentences; is easier and faster for writing the final paper.
Lastly, for Keystone 6th grade English, we were supposed to use the alpha-numeric form. But, we could also have used the decimal form too! Alternating patterns of upper and lower case letters with alternating progressions of Roman and Arabic numerals mark the level of subordination within the alpha-numeric form of the outline. Progressive patterns of decimals mark the levels of subordination in decimal form of outlining. The decimal form has become the standard form in scientific and technical writing.
Definition of perfect storm. : a critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors.
Hoped this helped! If not sorry.
The correct answer is “Globalization can cause confusion and discomfort as people adjust to different, often conflicting, cultural values and expectations.”
Indeed, the excerpt shows that Globalization causes confusion both for the host society and the immigrants. In this situation, the teacher lacks the cultural contextual information to understand that this Bengalese family is referring to their custom of having a school name for students. She is asking probing questions to try to understand if this is a middle name or a nickname.
The Bengalese parents seem to either lack the humility or the patience to explain exactly why they mean and provide her with the context she needs to understand their request. Another possibility is that they lack the education or linguistic tools to properly explain this.
Incomprehension goes both ways, had they been able or willing to explain this, the teacher would have been able to explain to them that their child can use a second school name in a personal context and have his friends and other students refer to him by such name but that with regards to academic records, American laws prohibit such practices as these records must match the exact legal identity of the student.
In the context, most likely what kind.
i.e. That is a purple sweater. What kind of sweater? A purple sweater.
See the gorgeous sunset? What kind of sunset? A gorgeous one.
See that fast rabbit run! What kind of rabbit? A fast one.
Get the idea?