Jing-mei's mother took her to a <em>"beauty training school" </em>to get her daughter to look like Shirley Temple which only resulted in a disastrous look.
Amy Tan's short story "Two Kinds" revolves around the story of how a Chinese immigrant child is 'expected' to be a prodigy and made to 'be molded' with the American way of life. The story presents how the protagonist’s mother tried to 'help' her daughter make a name for herself in America.
In the given paragraph, Jing-mei narrates how her mother wanted to 'shape' her into becoming the next Shirley Temple. She wanted her daughter to become famous. So, she took her to a <em>"beauty training school"</em> and cut her hair, which only resulted in a much more disastrous outcome.
At the hospital, doctors examine Ponyboy, and except for a few burns and a big bruise across his back, he's fine. He is in the waiting room, worried about Johnny and Dally, when Darry and Soda arrive. ... In that split second, Ponyboy realizes that Darry does care for him, that he was just trying too hard.
B is the best explanation of irony
irony means the opposite
A) sushi can cause you to get sick but it is fine to eat
C) grass does grown and requires to be mowed 1-2 times a week
B) you have a flat tires, need to change and the other one is flat. now you can't fix it
Generally, rampant killing in Ghana has reach beyond his nerves. Rampant killing is mostly done by grown up citizens in the country as a whole.
This mostly occur at a time where they desire to be rich quickly without any tidieous moments and work. This is where the malam ask for human blood, there comes the chance to kill his fellow human being.
Secondly, poor security system also leads to rampant killing in Ghana.
To end, government should stand on his feet and make strict rules of law so as to curb this on going and unfortunate behavior.Thus anyone who break the law will be dealt with accordingly. Less I forget, the rule of law states that the law itself is supreme and thus nobody is above the law even the president.
Mavis Obeng Tiwaa,
BECE candidate.
Though it depends on who answers this site can be good for school related/educational means because most of the time people are actually trying their best or there are experts to guide and verify answers as well so I would agree that this site is a good place for educational troubles/ solutions