Beginning in 1873, a series of Supreme Court decisions limited the scope of Reconstruction-era laws and federal support for the so-called Reconstruction Amendments, particularly the 14th and 15th, which gave African Americans the status of citizenship and the protection of the Constitution, including the all-important right to vote. Bill, passed by Radical Republicans in Congress in 1867, that treated Southern states as divided territories. Sometimes called the Military Reconstruction Act or the Reconstruction Act, the First Reconstruction Act divided the South into five districts, each governed by martial law. It was the first of a series of harsher bills that the Radicals passed that year.
Neither, technically
In my opinion, it was actually Germany who started the Cold War. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. After the end of World War II, the allied powers divided Germany and Berlin for themselves. Meanwhile the Soviets would establish Communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe. Germany was the first place that the powers engaged against, with the West uniting their parts of germany into the Republic of West Germany, while in the East, the Soviets created East Germany.
Germany was the real contester that both the Soviets and the West wanted. Now obviously this kind of proves that the USSR started the whole thing. Most people are biased against the USSR, and I can see their point. However the US was the first to back the proxy wars, with the Greek Civil War and the tensions in turkey, thus lighting the fire for the chaos to come
So who actually started it? Depends on who you ask.
A. a hero showing perseverance
B. supernatural elements
C. rhyme and repetition of words
D. a difficult journey with trials
A. A hero showing perseverance in battle means all Odyssey went through the story line and how he was able win all challenges that came his way.
B. Supernatural elements talks about the gods who odyssey claim takes parts in the whole poem by guiding his way. The Athena is an example
C. Rhyme and repetition relates to where helpers used it to memorize the poem.
D. A difficult journey with trials relates to the journey odyssey and his men when under took to the underworld.
The southern(who were previously Confederate) states all wrote new Constitutions and swore loyalty to the Union by 1877. Also, the 13th amendment(which states no slavery n<span>or involuntary servitude</span> is allowed unless punishment... in u.s.), 14th amendment(forbids states to restrict simple rights of citizens etc,), and 15th amendment(citizens in U.S. cannot be denied due to race, color, etc. to vote) were acknowledged and remained after the reconstruction. Former slaves also had a new life ahead of them: they could now be educated, choose who they wanted to marry, and choose jobs. Unfortunately, the reconstruction didn't heal African American/ white man wounds; and even though there were laws for equality, for many upcoming years, many black people still had many problems with white people who still believed they were somehow superior.