As part of the Omaha Platform, the People's Party demanded that there be a reduction in the working day fair, a safe, sound and flexible national currency, assistance to farmers with the financing of their labors, fair and liberal pensions to ex-Union soldiers and sailors, the direct election of the Senators, single terms for Vice-Presidents and Presidents, initiatives and referendums to be readily available, a secret ballot system, the nationalization of railroads, telegraph, postal systems and telephone systems a graduated income tax and the free and unlimited coinage of silver.
it lost to the other ground.
Renaissance began to flower in Italy, and northern Europe was recovering from Black Death. In 1400s, the cities of north enjoyed economic growth and wealth needed to develop own Renaissance.
i am sure its 1
you see iconoclasm means the action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices.
so in my point of view its 1
Slavery played the central role during the American Civil War. The primary catalyst for secession was slavery, especially Southern political leaders' resistance to attempts by Northern antislavery political forces to block the expansion of slavery into the western territories.