A linear programming problem where the objective is to find the best mix of ingredients for a product to meet certain specifications is called:
5. None of the above
Step-by-step explanation:
A linear programming problem where the objective is to find the best mix of ingredients for a product to meet certain specifications is called:
Model validation.
Its mathematical formulation aims to maximize or minimize a given function, subject to a set of linear constraints on the function. Constrained optimization models have three major components: decision variables, objective function, and constraints.
By the other hand:
1. A resource-allocation problem aims find the best allocation of a fixed amount of resources to activities to minimize the allocations´s cost.
2. A blending problem is a mixed integer-linear programming (MILP) application. It involves blending several materials to create one or more products responding to a demand. The programs are solved using the same technology as integer programs.
3. A cost-benefit tradeoff problem is solved by assigning values to the capacity and lower bound for each arc in a flow network to represent the costs or savings corresponding to changes in activity durations in the project. The procedure is repeated until the project is reduced to the crash condition.
4. A mixture problem is a word problem where items or quantities of different values are mixed together like mixing different liquids together changing the concentration of the mixture.