Have you ever felt that you had to prove your honesty. <em> </em>I was with my friend on a hot summer afternoon and my friend ask me "Have you ever talked about me to your other friends that I am not friends with". As I was responding I started stuttering because I couldnt believe what she had just asks me. I exclaimed, " No,No,I havent why?" She sat back in her chair and said," Then why did you stutter as you said no." I said," ..Becasue I cant believ you just asks me that." The reason why I didnt undertsnad is because me and my frined have been friends for 16 years. She sat back and said. "Mm". The next day I was walking to her house for another girls day. I walked up on her porch and knocked. She answered. She said."Hello". I said,"Hey". She said I need a minute to myself today." I walked back home wondering why was she acting like that? What did I do? Then I thought to myself... She doesnt trust me. So The next day I wrote a letter to her telling her that I am sorry for making it seem like I was lying and that she is my only bestfriend. Then after that wee were close agin..
Atrocious is a very extreme way to say horrible
In this excerpt Ferlinghetti is not proud of new America.
Ferlinghetti's way of referring to the new America shows us that he is not proud.
There is much irony in his words when he speaks of <em>"the vast empire carrying its corporate monoculture around the world."
The new America is more technological than with values and that is what is criticized in this excerpt.
Even if we search the full text we can see how Ferlinghetti talks about<em> "to save us from ourselves and how to survive our own rulers".
So we can conclude that he is not proud of New America.