Profit, land, adventure, religious, and political freedom.
Most important was freedom.
They wanted to have their own opinions without punishment and choose their own religion other than being forced to follow another.
2. Leading
Leading is an act of influencing or prompting the member of the organization to work together with the interest of the organization at heart.
Also, creating a positive attitude towards the work and goals among the members of the organization is called leading.
Leading involves managing, motivating and directing people.
The four management functions include;
- Planning and Decision Making
- Organizing
- Leading
- Controlling
Leading is considered to be the most important and challenging of all managerial activities.
Membuat blok Asia dan Islam oleh negara-negara Asia di masa depan.
Ya, Indonesia berperan dan ikut serta dalam kerja sama ini karena dia adalah negara Islam sekaligus negara Asia sehingga bisa berpartisipasi di kedua blok tersebut. Negara-negara Asia menjalin kerjasama untuk memiliki satu mata uang di mana mereka berdagang satu sama lain. Dalam waktu dekat, blok Islam baru akan dibuat yang bekerja untuk semua Muslim di seluruh dunia.
This analysis asserts that Schlafly denounced the amendment because she believed it would attack the rights of housewives, give the federal government excessive power, and hurt women already equal before the law in the ways that mattered.
Athens: a city-state of Ancient Greece that was the first to have democracy...
Council of 500: In Athens, a group of 500 citizens chosen...
Council of Elders: a small group of spartans who made all the important governing decisions
Sparta: A city state in Ancient Greece known for its military oligarchy
agora: a market place in Ancient Greece
Capable: having the ability or skill necessary to do something well
Peloponnesus: a peninsula....
helot: a slave in Sparta
eliminate: to completely remove or put an end to something