Answer: It ain’t right. Ain’t no man ought to eat his woman’s food year in and year out, and see his children running wild. Ain’t nothing right about that." The answer for this would be option C.
Answer: B
It ends with judgement that reform is needed but that the schedule should be left alone
She relates a story about her own excitement at being in New York City.
This is how to solve the problem:
We know that the growth rate is constant for both species of plants. So we can say that the height is a linear function of the number of days since d = 0.
Assumption (1 month = 30 days)
Species A:
Growth rate = 2 cm/month = 2/30 = 1/15 cm/day
Height on day d = 0: 12 cm
Height: H(d) = 12 + d/15
Species B:
Growth rate = 3 cm/month = 3/30 = 1/10 cm/day
Height on day d = 0: 10 cm
Height: H(d) = 10 + d/10