The correct answer is - B. Economies around the world have become more interconnected because of globalization.
In the modern era, the globalization took a massive swing worldwide, and most of the countries became much more connected with each other through the means of economy. The main players of the globalization process are the big corporations which set affiliations throughout the world, and managed to gain many new markets for their ever growing production of goods. Apart from the likes of North Korea, Iran, Turkmenistan, and countries similar to them, most of the world is already or is heading towards the globalization trend. It is a process that has its supporters and critics, depending on the point of view, and to a certain extent both sides have good arguments for their claims.
"There is a risk, definitely. And we are very aware of that," says Brooke Isham, director of the Food for Peace program at the US Agency for International Development (USAID). "And that is why we are always looking at the impact of food aid on local markets and whether it is depressing prices in local markets."
USAID, the UN World Food Program (WFP) and others monitor markets regularly. Etienne Labonde, head of WFP's program in Haiti, says, as of March, food aid did not cause major disruptions in Haiti's economy. "Maybe it's an impression, but it's not the facts at the moment," he says.
Low prices can lead Haiti's farmers to store rice rather than sell it at a loss.
Whether impression or fact, Haitian President Rene Preval raised the issue when he came to Washington last month. He said food aid was indispensible right after the earthquake. But, "If we continue to send food and water from abroad," he said, "it will compete with national production of Haiti and with Haitian trade."
The Nile river was responsible for the success because the annual flood made the soil much more fertile.
Egyptian civilization was formed along the longest Nile river , the annual flood that happened on the Nile river , made the soil fertile and thus there was more production of crops. The Nile River also helped the Egyptians for trading purposes.
Most of the part of Egypt is desert but on the other hand the soil along the side of the Nile River was fertile.There was huge production of wheat in the Middle East through out the year. As a result the Egyptians became rich.
In a A) command economy the government controls all aspects of the economy and makes all decisions about what goods will be produced, who will produce them, and how they will be produced. This is the opposite of a market economy in which the market determines these elements of the economy.