Answer: well art can be explained in many different types of ways
Answer: For context, a relief sculpture is done on a flat surface. It looks more like a carving. A relief might be easier to create is it can be mounted, shaped like a drawing, and perhaps less heavy. A drawback might be that it’s less three dimensional, or that it might be harder to make it more realistic.
An augmented interval has one more half step than a perfect interval. An augmented interval has one more semitone than a perfect interval. Since C to F is a perfect fourth (5 half steps), C to F# would be an augmented fourth (6 half steps).
C.half step smaller than a perfect interval
Technique is the way in which an artist creates a work of art, using the media he/she decides to use. The technique and media the artist uses will change the finished results, and the messages and/or feelings it conveys to the viewer.