an Instagram post an Instagram post
I f I understand the one you are talking about , it is interaction between individuals and multiple social systems
It can be explained, he was feeling very hurt and can't help how he felt.
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It really depends on what the trends are. Trends like "The Keke Challenge" are dangerous (a negative). There are different types of trends. Example, clothes. Clothes make the person, they say. One of the current trends for women as far as I've seen, are ripped jeans (I guess a positive). Some go way too far, as in, they can't even be considered pants anymore (a negative). For guys, they're wearing pants down very low. Well, at least based from what I see a lot. For these clothing trends, it could effect either in a negative or positive way. It depends on how you perceive it. To conclude this, just be sure to know which trends are either good or bad.
Word count: Exactly 120 words