Intrusi magma
Intrusi magma dapat memberikan manfaat bagi manusia sebab magma ini ketika keluar menuju permukaan bumi akan menjadi gunung berapi, yang bermanfaat karena menghasilkan tanah vulkanik yang subur. ... Lava dan abu vulkanik dari letusan akan terurai dan menghasilkan nutrisi yang penting bagi tanah
The volcanic intrusion rule is relative dating
The circumference of the Earth depends on how it is measured. When it is measured around the equator, it is 40,075 km (approximately, 24,901 miles), whereas, if it measured from the north pole to the south pole it is 40,008 km (approximately, 24,860 miles).
A citizen is a white land owning male. It is a political right for your government to stay in their lane and mind their own business. Rights certainly shouldn't be applicable to non-white invaders.