Bartolommeo Cristofori, a Paduan harpsichord maker, is credited with constructing the first piano, the date usually put at between 1709 and 171 1. He called his new instrument gravicembalo col piano e forte, or harpsichord with soft and loud.
The tree of lifee........
nope not at all i wanna live too
The detail from the poem Sonnet 27 that shows situational irony is:
. The speaker, tired from having traveled all day, is unable to fall asleep because his mind has decided to "wake up."
<u>Situational irony takes place when one's actions (a character's or a speaker's, for instance) end up having the opposite result of what was expected. </u>
Right at the beginning of the poem Sonnet 27, by Shakespeare, the speaker explains that he is exhausted after having worked and traveled all day.<u> He says that he is in bed with the purpose of getting some rest. However - and this where the situational irony happens -, he is unable to fall asleep because his mind is wide awake, thinking of the woman he loves. Therefore, what takes place when he goes to bed is precisely the opposite of what he intended:</u>
<em>Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed,
<em>The dear repose for limbs with travel tired;
<em>But then begins a journey in my head</em>