Prompt: The Difference Between Mexico's & Spain's Education
(not plagarized, feel free to copy/paste my answer !!)
The Spanish education system contains 6 years of primary education, followed by 4 years of secondary school, or high school. Preschool is available for children 6 years and under, but are not required. In Mexico, basic education is usually broken in three steps: primary school, junior high school, and high school. primary school is 1-6, junior high is 7-9, and high school is 10-12.
hope i helped ! :D
-strawbxrrywine on IG
cuartos de dormir is one way
<span>1.Atlántico norte (incluye el norte del Océano Atlántico, el Golfo de México y el mar Caribe) 2.Pacífico noreste 3.Pacífico noroeste (incluye la costa de Asia y el sur de del mar de China) 4.Índico norte (la bahía de Bengala y el mar de Arabia) 5.Índico sudoeste (costa africana)6.Índico sudeste-Australiano 6.<span>Australiano-Pacífico sudoeste</span></span>
pedir means order or ask, it can be used in a present tense or past tense way and can be used in a first person pov or second person pov. (thats how its most commonly used) Nosotros is a term that means you and I. Which means who ever is talking and who ever they are talking to take part. The word pedimos has mos at the end, which is mostly used to represent multiple people like nosotros. Pedimos means we ask. You and I ask. Its a mix of ask and us, like pedir and nosotros. This can also be used in any point of view. Also in any time, like past, present, future. Whatever has "mos" or "os" at the end means "we". Reír means laugh. Since reimos has "mos" at the end, that means we, so it means "We laugh". Its a mix again. Vosotros means "you" or in some cases "you guys". Since it has "os" you can tell its in a certain point of view. In this case, it is in the second person or in other words second hand point of view. This can also be used when talking about any time, whether it be the past present or future. Pedís means "you ask". This can be said in second person pov and mainly in the present tense. Reís means "you laugh". You can see there is another pattern, when a word has "ís" at the end, it is second person pov.
I really hoped this helped, I don't really understand the question or the assignment fully but this is what I'm assuming it meant.