O'Brien approaches Winston and strikes up a conversation. For Winston, this moment is a significant one. Not only does Winston sense that O'Brien's "political orthodoxy was not perfect"
In order to make an effective argument with an introduction, we can see that there is a need to use supporting details and logic to pass across a message.
<h3>What is a Body of a Paragraph?</h3>
This refers to the content of a paragraph that shows the thoughts and feelings of an author.
Hence, we can see that to make the body of paragraphs, it would be important to make strong reasons for a claim with supporting details that validates it, and also the use of counterclaims.
Read more about counterclaims here:
He wishes to protect the demi-gods and deities who do not dwell in heaven.
<h3>Why does he want this?</h3>
- Because he believes these beings deserve to live in a peaceful place.
- Because he wants to kill all humans.
- Because he is merciful to magical creatures.
Jupiter believes that humans are immoral and dangerous beings who do not respect deities and demigods and creatures that live on earth like nymphs, fauns, and satyrs.
For this reason, he wants to cause a flood that kills all humans, but he wants to protect the demigods and magical creatures that do not live in the sky, as he believes that the earth, without humans, will be a safe place for them.
This question is about the book "Metamorphoses" and you can learn more about it at the link:
What book in unit 2 you have to specify what it is the name of the book
Madison <u>was chosen</u> by her teacher to represent her class.