The French people organized a National Assembly, believing that the ignorance, neglect or contempt of the rights of Man were the sole reasons for public calamities and the corruption of governments.
The state governments developed independently from each other. The Constitution made it clear that each colony would be a state operating as an independent country. This had been observed during the Continental Congresses.It was thought that it was the only wasy to make the nation grow. As a consequence, <em>each state developed its own government with its own constitution.</em>
Abraham Lincoln's Gettysbury Address is perhaps the most iconic and famous speeches in the history of the United States.
It the address took place just 4 and a half months after the end of the Civil War, at the time when the United States was struggling to find a national way forward.
The aim of the Address was to provide hope to the American people and give them a vision of a brighter future. It was addressed both at the Southerners and the people in the North.
A whole generation had seen war, death and misery and the future for many, was not so great.
The overall message of the address was to tell every American, that their right to life, liberty and freedom will be respected and that their country will keep on prospering.
The address wanted people to look at the end of the Civil War as an opportunity for a New America.
If you can please Provide answer Choices but other than that, I would think at the end of WW2 we had issues cleaning up the Radiation of the bombing in Japan and dealing with how to help the Jews that were captured and kept in encampments.