B. The rivers in both regions flooded unpredictably.
The first known settlements in ancient India were in the Indus River valley. There were farming communities in this valley as early as 6500 B.C.E. By 5000 B.C.E., people also lived near the Ganges River. By 2500 B.C.E., there were walled settlements in the Indus River valley.
A protective tariff is taxing a foreign good to protect it from foreign theft. Tariff means tax, and protection means what it sounds like, so all together it means a protective tax
Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested that ancient Greeks thought that being a citizen was a natural state, according to J. G. A. Pocock.[5] It was an elitist notion, according to Peter Riesenberg, in which small scale communities had generally similar ideas of how people should behave in society and what constituted appropriate conduct.[5] Geoffrey Hosking described a possible Athenian logic leading to participatory democracy: