Something bad is in the air....something bad is coming. Something bad is going to happen.
Remember to obey the ghost.
Watch the King. If he shows remorse, let me know. If he does not show remorse, then should I kill him?
It is interesting to note that Claudis is crying out for help as he dies.
Hamlet does not want Horatio to ever talk about seeing the ghost. Let Hamlet die knowing about the ghost, but do not speak of it, or they will think you are crazy too. Stay alive.
First person view makes people feel more engrossed into the book. They also feel like they are experiencing first-hand . Also, things can be described better.
Answer: For, there is nothing more important and more essential that the original self.
Elie and his father heard that there will be an evacuation and that prisoners would be marching to another camp while the sick would be left and killed.
The father-son duo decided to follow the prisoners and take their chance instead of staying behind in the infirmary and be separated.
Wiesel later learned that those left, the sick, in the infirmary were <em>"liberated by the Russians, two days after the evacuation."</em>
Elie Wiesel's memoir "Night," tells the author's account of his life of being a Jew during the discrimination against their race by the Germans under Nazi rule. This event, the Holocaust, came to be the worst genocide in the history of the world.
When Elie had to have his tooth extracted, he was put in the infirmary to recover. But within two days of his stay there, news spread that the prisoners were to be shifted to another location while the sick would be <em>"liberated",</em> meaning killed or disposed of.
Unable to decide what to do, Elie and his father decided to move along with the prisoners and not stay in the infirmary. Though sick and tired, Elie followed his father's decision as he doesn't want to be separated from him.
He later learned, after the war, that those who had stayed behind in the infirmary were <em>"liberated by the Russians, two days after the evacuation."</em>