For the Aztecs, the enviroment was more benevolent. The aztecs inhabited Central Mexico which is a highland area where temperatures are mild. Soils are also very fertile because they are volcanic. The biggest challenge they had to face was precisely the active volcanoes that sorround the Central Valley of Mexico.
For the Mayans, the enviroment was more unforgiving. They inhabited a lowland tropical jungle with high humidity and temperatures all-year round. The soils were not very fertile either.
It has been theorized that the Mayan civilization disappeared because of deforestation, which led to a rise of temperatures and a general worsening of enviromental conditions.
They made the European community unite against Napoleon.
One the one hand , we have the revolutionary vision of Napoleon of bringing new ideas into neighbouring and distant European nations. Napoleon himself declared_"I wished to found a European system...a European Code of Laws, ..: there would be but one people in Europe," With the Napoleonic Wars, the nations had to assemble in order to balance power, thus, giving birth to famous treaties and conventions such as the Treaty of Paris and Vienna. With increasingly many political opponents, the Europeans tried to banish the specter of Napoleon and its influence so either from the perspective of Napoleon or his opponents, a common European space was born.
An example of discrimination that exists today is harrasment. harrasment is such as, inappropriate jokes, name calling or displays like posters or cartoons directed at a person because of their race, colour, sex or gender, sexual orientation etc.
The 13 colonies were in America but were controlled by Britain.