woah im really not sure uhh looks like u copied and pasted it
1. The Townshend Acts consisted of several acts that were passed down in 1767 that introduced the passing and trading of an inventory of goods and supplies such as glass, paints, and tea into the colonies.
2. The Stamp Act - passed down in 1765, the Stamp Act's cause was directed toward funding of military defense, to get funds for this the British had given a tax. This tax forced the colonists to pay newspaper and paper prints, including licences and legal documents.
3. Declaratory Acts- 1766- was the time that the Stamp Act as removed only to give permission of law handling to harsh hands, this act allowed the British Parliament within the colonies to make, change, reform, or remove laws that every colonist must obey.
4. Proclamation Act- 1763- As the British advanced and acquired much of French territory toward the end of the war, this act simply commanded colonists to remain on their side of the Appalachian Mountains, any settlements or travels to the mountains was forbidden until the act was lifted upon the war's end.
5. Sugar Act- 1764- This act is a well known one for good reason, it weighed heavy on merchants and farmers forcing them to pay a good portion of their earnings as taxes for selling their goods.
6. Writs of Assistance- 1760- This was a law passed down to allow officials, soldiers, and organization(company) owners to search ship, building, or cart for smuggled and/or forbidden goods and supplies.
b is the answer
The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States through a national origins quota. The quota provided immigration visas to two percent of the total number of people of each nationality in the United States as of the 1890 national census.
The koran is to islam as the BIBLE is to christianity
They were primarily used as weapons for hunting, spear fishing, and self defense from both animals and humans when needed.