I would need the other part of the question to answer
how challenging it is for other people to live in this world.
Answer: Option A.
In the paragraph that has been given in the question, the author talks about the tests and the challenges that she has to take just like the other people have to take these tests in their life.
She is trying to emphasize on the importance of these tests and these challenges in the life by using this word again and again, repeating it some where tries to show the importance of this word. This tries to tell how tough and challenging some times life becomes.
Phrases 2-5
Each of these phrases gives the same import as the sentences dotted in the above excerpt.
For the first phrase to be sensible, it should have been writing thus: writing a formal essay.
C. Most of the sentences have a similar structure.
In "The Crisis, Number XIII", Thomas Paine states the glory and revolution which America gained by winning the war. The independence was rewarded to America by the British. The introductory lines contain peace and happy atmosphere which America has gained. At the same time, he warns the people that the future of their life depends on the sovereignty of the United States. He states his views regarding the rights which the states possess and how that can prove to be a problem for the people in the future.