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British artist Thomas Addison Richards painted River Plantation (1855-60) from sketches made in Georgia during his travels through the South in the 1840s. Oil on canvas (20 1/4" x 30").
River Plantation
uniquely situated among southern states on the eve of the Civil War (1861-65), played a vital part in the formation of the Confederacy. A geographic lynchpin that linked Atlantic seaboard and Deep South states, the "Empire State" was the second-largest state in area east of the Mississippi River (Virginia was larger until West Virginia broke away in 1861), and the second-largest Deep South state (only Texas was larger). In population, slave and free, Georgia was the largest in the Deep South. Both geographically and demographically, Georgia encompassed as much diversity as any other Confederate state, and these factors had an important impact on how the state experienced the war years and what it contributed to the Southern war effort.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
A pesar de que no anexaste alguna referencia o contexto en específico. podemos comentar lo siguiente,
Los supuestos de carácter moral aplicables al campo laboral de los trabajadores es que estos trabajadores deben de mostrar una conducta ética intachable, un comportamiento ejemplar bajo los más altos valores morales como el respeto, la disciplina, la discreción, entre otros tantos.
Los trabajadores deben ser personas dignas de confianza y mostrar su agradecimiento por tener una fuente de empleo estable.
La mejor manera de hacerlo es a través de su comportamiento en el trabajo, las instalaciones de la empresa, y su comportamiento fuera del mismo ya que ellos son unos representantes de la imagen pública de la empresa donde laboran.
Los trabajadores deben ser discretos con lo que escuchan en el lugar de trabajo y no andarlo contando por afuera. Deben ser leales, no robar, no mentir, y guardar confidencialidad de los documentos, herramientas, software, e información que pertenece a la compañía.
He stopped the Muslim advance from Spain into France. was the impact did the Frankish leader Charles Martel have on Christian Europe's relations with Muslim Spain in the eighth century it took place in 732 at Poitiers.... Hope I could help
Also known as the ‘Alaskan Highway’ the Alcan was built during WW2. It was built to connect the us territory to the us through Canada. It was paved through incase there was an urgent need to get from one place to another through Military accompaniment. Now its a tourist destination.