The correct answer is D. Spanish didn't crush the Latin American independence revolts, so it didn't remain in control of its colonies.
In response to the enthronement of King Joseph Bonaparte in Spain, between 1808 and 1810 government boards that exercised sovereignty on behalf of the abdicated King Ferdinand VII were installed both in the Iberian Peninsula and in the American territories. The resistance of the American juntas to submit to all the governments formed in Spain, radicalized positions and led to the armed struggle between realists and patriots. From 1810, various American territories began to declare themselves independent national states under republican regimes, forming liberator armies, among which those led by Hidalgo and Morelos in Mexico, and those of the Argentinian Jose de San Martin and the Venezuelan Simon Bolívar in South America. The independence of the new states of America was consolidated in the 1820s, with the creation in Mexico of the Trigarante Army in 1821 and ending in South America with the destruction of the last viceroyal army in the Battle of Ayacucho in 1824.
Eisenhower attempted to stop the spread of communism during the Cold War (this is called containment). The US feared that if one country started toward communism, other would follow suit.