All I know is that they were cruel leaders. But some offered food for work. And all pharaohs did not get buried in pyramids some ordered for temples to be built so that they would be placed in a tomb that was better than the best. Some even drew out the plans to the temples & tombs.
The election of 1912 significant because of the Republican Party's division, the Democrats were able to win the presidency.
Elections for the US House of Representatives were held in 1912, the same year that Woodrow Wilson was chosen as president. The opposition Republican Party's divide into conservative and progressive wings contributed to Wilson's triumph. In the wake of the disastrously divided Republicans in the 1912 election, Roosevelt formed his own Progressive Party.
Although Taft came into office wanting to pursue Roosevelt's Square Deal domestic agenda, he made serious mistakes during the Pinchot-Ballinger incident and the Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act fight. The political repercussions of these incidents tore the Republican Party apart and caused Roosevelt to lose his old ally.
Know more about 1912 election here
As nomadic group of people which belonged to the region around the Capsian Sea, The Huns were responsibles for the Great Migration<em>.</em>
With brutal invasions of the regions sorrounding the Roman Empire, this tribe encouraged such migration, also known as the "Wandering of the Nations", which began between 300 and 700 CE, and was formed by the Alans, Goths, and Vandals among others.
They moved fast and were successful at battle. In 370 CE, they defeated and conquered the Alans, by 376 CE had pushed the Goths into Roman territory, and by 379 CE had pushed the people under the leadership of Athanaric into the Caucalands. These attacks produced a <em>domino effect </em>since many tribes, in their escape, sought refuge in Roman territory.
Such migration altered the conditions of roman society and eventually, after many insurrections and raids from these tribes, the Western Empire was weakened and collapsed.
colonist just wanted new lives and to start anew and did not want war with the native americans but the british pushed them to start that long lasting war with the native americans .
The Europeans brought technologies, ideas, plants, and animals that were new to America and would transform people's lives: guns, iron tools, and weapons; Christianity and Roman law; sugarcane and wheat; horses and cattle. They also carried diseases against which the Indian peoples had no defenses.