Increased Inflation.,
Cutting interest rates isn’t guaranteed to cause a strong economic recovery. Expansionary monetary policy may fail under certain conditions.
If confidence is very low, then people may not want to invest or spend, despite lower interest rates.
In a credit crunch, banks may not have funds to lend, therefore although the Central Bank cuts base rates, it is still difficult to get a loan from a bank.
Commercial banks may not pass the base rate cut on.
The Russian Revolution took place in 1917 when the peasants and working class people of Russia revolted against the government of Tsar Nicholas II. They were led by Vladimir Lenin and a group of revolutionaries called the Bolsheviks. The new communist government created the country of the Soviet Union.
Roger Williams was the first person to come to rhode island
"Another little-remembered facet of anti-Latino discrimination in the United States is school segregation. Unlike the South, which had explicit laws barring African-American children from white schools, segregation was not enshrined in the laws of the southwestern United States. Nevertheless, Latino people were excluded from restaurants, movie theaters and schools.
Latino students were expected to attend separate "Mexican schools" throughout the southwest beginning in the 1870s. At first, the schools were set up to serve the children of Spanish-speaking laborers at rural ranches. Soon, they spread into cities, too."
because it was 1849 when the peak of the gold rush was (when everyone started to go to California)