2 examples stated in passage:
1. There was already existing hostility towards Japanese Americans, but it was exacerbated following Pearl Harbor. Executive Order 9066 led to Japanese relocation.
2. The Japanese Americans were initially not permitted to enlist after Pearl Harbor happened. Then when they were, a segregated unit was made for them in the armed forces.
Are you looking at diagrams on you work sheet ?
On Christmas Day, Mr. Tonto received a call from Sakasaka police station asking for him to go to the station.
The narrator (Mr. Tonto´s daughter or son) accompanied him in the car ride, and ten minutes later they arrived at the station.
There, an officer explained that the narrator´s elder brother had been arrested for having cocaine in his shop.
They asked if they were allowed to prove his innocence and the officer agreed.
Mr. Tonto then brought out a machine from his car to scan both his son's fingers and the fingerprints on the substance to prove they didn´t match so he was exonerated and freed.
I know that Islam is the second largest religion and fastest growing in the world about the Islamic religion.I think that because the Islamic religion is rapidly growing that they should build for churches for those who choose the Islamic religion.