The correct answer is : Social impairment
It happens when a person behaves or acts in a reduced positive way when they are around others. it refers to the feeling of doing things better when being alone. A person with this psychiatric disorder presents difficulties with social functioning. The ability to perform work is an important dimension that is shown in this case.
b) I shall be speaking on the joys of volunteerism
The best way to atract volunteerism would be to explain to potential volunteers that the mere action of helping other will give them joy. I think this is the best because it promises joy for volunteers, which is something so simple and, at the same time, so attractive.
The rest of the options a, c and d are about receiving something in return for volunteering.
When people allowed the example of others to validate how to think, feel, and act, Cialdini (2008) called this the consistency principle of persuasion.
The coherence principle states that people are motivated by cognitive coherence and change their attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, and behaviors to achieve it. Robert Cialdini and his research team found that Cialdini I have done extensive research on what I call the Consistency of Belief Principle.
Simply put, the principle of consistency is that once an organization, and more specifically accounting or an accounting department, adopts an accounting principle or method for documenting and reporting information, it must apply that method consistently. It means you should keep using it.
Learn more about the consistency principle of persuasion. here:
a) picture prompts
Picture Prompt refers to a method of dual coding which may require students to explain an image or images used as illustrations. The understanding is that by combining verbal, written, and visual modes, information is encoded in more than one way, increasing the likelihood that important information is remembered later